Wild Ones Chesapeake Bay Chapter

2024 Community Growth Challenge
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Welcome to Wild Ones Chesapeake Bay Chapter!

We promote environmentally friendly, sound landscaping to preserve biodiversity through the preservation, restoration, and establishment of native plant communities across the United States.

Wild Ones chapters are a space where like-minded people gather to support each other in learning about landscaping with native plants and to share with others in their communities and networks about why it’s important to reintroduce native plants into public and private gardens and how to go about doing it. Chapters are where change happens. We are excited to offer local residents the opportunity to expand their impact in the natural landscaping movement and help promote native plants!

Join us for Biodiversity and Native Gardening 101

Join Wild Ones Chesapeake Bay founder and president Marlene Smith and Esther Bonney, founder and director of Nurture Natives, for an inspiring and educational family event. Explore the fascinating world of pollinators and beautiful Maryland native plants found in home gardens. Native plants promote diverse and healthy habitat in your yard and are essential to supporting beneficial insects, birds, and small mammals. With wise choices, you can beautify your home and help build a healthier environment. And we would like to help you on your native plant journey, no matter your experience or your available space. For more details, visit their Facebook page.