Bona Terra Seedling Giveaway Training Session
Bona Terra Nursery
Public Welcome Hands-On/How-To Workshop
Are you or your group interested in distributing native plants to your community? Learn how to get free seedlings from Bona Terra to give to your community during our Seedling Giveaway Training Session!
Once a member in a leadership position of your group attends this workshop, your group will be qualified to receive free community pots of seedlings to give out at your event! Here are the steps!
Fill out the sign-up form here: to the Seedling Giveaway Training Session on Saturday, March 1st from 10am to 1pm. The workshop will take place at our new nursery location (you will receive the address after you fill out the form) either outside if the weather is clear or indoors if necessary. Be sure to wear layers either way, and bring a notebook to relay this information to your team!
One of the main things that we'll be going over is how to organize and set up your seedling station to make it easy for you to give out as many seedlings as possible. Our experience has been that there is some pretty high demand for the free seedlings, and having some systems in place helps everything run much smoother. We will be going over:
How to organize and set up your seedling stationSupplies you’ll needOrganizational stuff: labelling, information distribution, and recording dataHow to divide seedlingsChoosing which quantities and species will work best for your eventDifferent roles for each volunteer Q&A from Marlene Smith, President of Wild Ones Chesapeake Bay and experienced Seedling Giveaway Organizer and Distributor