Maryland SB0915 Hearing March 5, 2024

Posted on | Advocacy

Senate Bill 0915 (SB0915) was heard by the Education, Energy, and the Environment Committee on Tuesday, March 5, 2024. Support was overwhelmingly positive with only one witness in opposition.

During last night’s hearing in the Senate, Judy Fulton, Vice President of the Maryland Native Plant Society and invasive plant expert, reported that Delegate Foley, the House sponsor, had called her a few minutes before and asked her to say “that the Natural Resources and Agriculture Subcommittee has passed the bill and it will be voted on in the full ENT Committee this week.”

The next step is to make sure that the committee votes and records a favorable resolution. Hopefully that vote will take place before March 18th which is the last possible date for it to cross over to the other Chamber (The House). Now is the time to contact the Committee members urging a quick and favorable vote. Committee membership can be found with the following link. Click on the names to contact them asking for a favorable vote!

Follow the progress of Senate bill SB0915 here:

Follow the cross-filed House bill HB0979 here: