Winter sowing is an economical way to germinate native plants in the middle of winter. With just a few materials that you can probably find around your house, it’s a fun and easy activity for all ages.
We currently have one more workshop scheduled in southern Maryland for February 2025.
February 22 – Lexington Library (registration is required and is now open)

As the winter solstice approaches and we all turn our attention to winter sowing, I wanted to share with each of you my wishes for the upcoming season.
I wish you enough......
Seeds to grow the plants you love
Containers to protect all the seeds you sow
Soil to ensure good roots
Rain and snow to keep your seeds from drying out
Drainage to ensure your seeds don't rot
Days for cold stratification
Sunshine to warm the soil for germination
Ventilation to keep your seeds and seedlings from roasting
Patience while waiting for your seeds to sprout
Germination to fill your gardens, with extra to share
Blooms to create great food for the pollinators
Time to enjoy the fruits of your labor
And above all else,
I wish you enough success this season to make all your winter sowing dreams come true.
Happy Sowing! Growing! Saving! Sharing!
~ Marlene Smith, President Wild Ones Chesapeake Bay

I invite you to watch this previously recorded presentation.

In a press release today, the National Institute Of Public Health has announced the discovery of a potentially dangerous substance found in WINTER SOWING supplies. This substance has been linked with the following symptoms in humans:
Symptoms include:
* Reluctance to cook
* Reluctance to perform housework
* Reluctance to work, except in support of winter sowing
* Physical craving for free time to sort seeds
*Nonsensical muttering of soil chosen
*Unwaivering impulse to purchase seeds, containers, & soil
*Inability to recognize seeds you want to buy from well......seeds you already have stashed away
Beware!!! If you come in contact with a human affected by winter sowing, then be prepared to talk about garden designs, soil & container options on end even though no one has asked.
This has been a public service announcement...Scientists who discovered the dangerous substance, said... "Winter sowing addiction is real!!! The purchasing of soil & seeds can be expensive, addictive, & may impair the ability to use common sense". ~ Marlene Smith, President WOCB
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