Category: Our Education

Library Display Case for Education

Wild Ones promotes native landscapes through education, advocacy, and collaboration. Our educational efforts include tabling at local festivals and events, producing webinars and videos that we post on our YouTube channel, and posting gardening ideas, research and the latest native plant policy news on social media. Last fall, Marlene Smith, President Wild Ones Chesapeake Bay, […] Continue reading "Library Display Case for Education"

Seed Sitting

While doing research for our upcoming Seed College presentation at the end of the month, I came across a new-to-me term, “seed sitting,” which is a catchy term for sowing seeds outside in winter, in pots covered with wire mesh. The concept is not new, but the terminology is catchy. I first heard the term […] Continue reading "Seed Sitting"

Deeply Rooted in Winter Sowing

Winter sowing is an economical way to germinate native plants in the middle of winter. With just a few materials that you can probably find around your house, it’s a fun and easy activity for all ages. We currently have one more workshop scheduled in southern Maryland for February 2025. February 22 – Lexington Library […] Continue reading "Deeply Rooted in Winter Sowing"

Deeply Rooted in Native Seed Collecting

Wild Ones Chesapeake Bay is deeply rooted in natives, promoting native plants for a healthy planet. We accomplish this through education, advocacy, and collaboration. And this fall, education and collaboration is all about native seed collecting! To date, we’ve given presentations on native seed collection at our local college, the College of Southern Maryland (in collaboration […] Continue reading "Deeply Rooted in Native Seed Collecting"

Biodiversity and Native Gardening 101

Wild Ones Chesapeake Bay is deeply rooted in natives, promoting native plants for a healthy planet. We accomplish this through education, advocacy, and collaboration. On August 3rd, Wild Ones Chesapeake Bay and Nurture Natives partnered with the St. Mary’s Public Library in Charlotte Hall to present our first presentation of the year on “Biodiversity and […] Continue reading "Biodiversity and Native Gardening 101"