Events Archive: 2023 | 2024 | 2025 | Upcoming Events
January 2024
All the Dirt on Winter Sowing Native Plants
Public Welcome Family Friendly Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation Hands-On/How-To Workshop Seed/Plant Swap Wheelchair Accessible Public Restroom Free Public Parking Drinking Fountains
Native plants are critical to supporting birds, butterflies, bees and other pollinators, but they can be expensive! Learn how to grow your own natives from seeds, in milk jugs in the dead of winter. In this in-person workshop, you’ll plant jugs to take home. Please bring at least one clean milk jug (translucent, not white). We will have extras and all other supplies, including seeds, available. Workshop is free and open to all.
Winter Sowing Native Seeds
James A. Forrest Career & Technology Center, 24005 Point Lookout Rd, Leonardtown, MD, 20650 Map
Public Welcome Free Event Hands-On/How-To Workshop Public Restroom Free Public Parking Drinking Fountains
Winter sowing native seeds with horticulture management students
Garden Chat/Meet and Greet
Public Welcome Free Event Chapter Meeting Chapter Social
Join us for our inaugural Garden Chat/Meet and Greet to meet your fellow chapter members and help in planning for our first year as a chartered chapter. All Wild Ones members are welcome to attend and invite a guest!
"Cultivating Change" with Lorraine Johnson
Hosted by Wild Ones NationalOnline/Virtual
Public Welcome Will be Recorded Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation
Explore how native gardening can address climate challenges in our next Wild Ones national webinar, “Cultivating Change” with author and activist Lorraine Johnson. Johnson has been researching and writing about environmental issues for three decades. Learn about the pivotal role of gardening as an act of stewardship in the face of climate and ecological challenges. Discover the profound connections between individual gardens and the broader world and learn how these green spaces can serve as catalysts for positive ecological and social change. Join Wild Ones for a practical and insightful discussion on gardening's positive impact on the environment and our future.
Virtual registrants will receive a link to watch the talk live as well as a link to the recording. The recording will only be available for a limited time.
All the Dirt on Winter Sowing; Make & Take, Veggies, Herbs, Annuals & Native Plants
Lexington Park Library, 21677 Franklin Delano Roosevelt Blvd, Lexington Park, MD, 20653 Map
Public Welcome Family Friendly Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation Hands-On/How-To Workshop Seed/Plant Swap Wheelchair Accessible Public Restroom Free Public Parking Drinking Fountains
Master Gardeners Marlene Smith and Molly Moore will introduce the 10 simple steps to winter sowing and walk participants through creating and seeding their own containers to take home! Participants are invited to donate plastic gallon jugs (milk jugs) to refresh our supply.
February 2024
February Admin Meeting Members Only
Members Only Chapter Meeting
This event captures the volunteer hours for time spent to plan/promote/run the chapter in February.
March 2024
Gardening for Biodiversity; Connecting People and Native Plants for a Healthy Planet
Public Welcome Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation Wheelchair Accessible Public Restroom Free Public Parking
Join Esther Bonney and Sam Rutherford, co-founders of Nurture Natives, along with Wild Ones Chesapeake Bay founders Marlene and Bill Smith, for an inspiring and educational family event. Explore the fascinating world of pollinators and beautiful Maryland native plants, while learning to recognize invasive “look-a-like” plant species that are commonly found in home gardens. Native plants promote diverse and healthy habitat in your yard and are essential to supporting beneficial insects, birds, and small mammals. With wise choices, you can beautify your home and help build a healthier environment.
Winter Sowing at LMPP
Lexington Manor Passive Park Community Gardens, 21675 S Coral Dr, Lexington Park, MD, 20653 Map
Public Welcome Free Event Hands-On/How-To Workshop Free Public Parking
Join us for a winter sowing class at Lexington Manor Passive Park. Registration is required to participate.
"Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants" with Robin Wall Kimmerer
Hosted by Wild Ones NationalOnline and in person at Reeve Union, University of Wisconsin Oshkosh, 748 Algoma Blvd, Oshkosh, WI, 54901 Map
Live Stream Available
Public Welcome Limited Access Recording Paid Event Program/Speaker Presentation Wheelchair Accessible Public Restroom Free Public Parking Drinking Fountains Assistive Hearing
Registration for this event is now closed, and registrants have been emailed about attending. Please contact [email protected] if you have any issues getting in.
This will be a paid event for both in-person and remote viewing. Virtual registrants will receive a link to watch Dr. Kimmerer's talk live as well as a link to the recording. The recording will only be available for a limited time.
Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants
Ecological restoration can be understood as an act of reciprocity, in return for the gifts of the earth. This talk explores the ecological and ethical imperatives of healing the damage we have inflicted on our land and waters. We trace the evolution of restoration philosophy and practice and consider how integration of indigenous knowledge can expand our understanding of restoration from the biophysical to the biocultural. Reciprocal restoration includes not only healing the land but our relationship to land. In healing the land, we are healing ourselves.
Wild Ones is excited to cohost this event with the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh's Earth Week 2024 and the Wild Ones Fox Valley Chapter.
Garden Chat/Member Meeting: Spring Ephemerals
Public Welcome Free Event Chapter Meeting Chapter Social
Join us for our bi-monthly Garden Chat to connect and learn from other native plant garden enthusiasts in our area. This month we will have a presentation on spring ephemerals.
We welcome gardeners that are just beginning their journey to those with many years of experience as we all continue to learn about native plants and their ecosystems.
Registration is required in advance for this meeting.
April 2024
Chapman Forest: A Unique Natural Community. A Forest Ecology Lecture and Spring Ephemeral Walk Members Only
Members Only Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation Group Tour Nature Walk/Hike Public Restroom Free Public Parking
Join us at historic Mount Aventine situated within Chapman State Park, a 2200-acre forest. This is a joint event hosted by our new local chapter Wild Ones Chesapeake Bay, a national non-profit focusing on incorporating native plants into our landscape, presented by our S Md Audubon Society Membership Chair Lynne Wheeler. The event starts with a talk at the historic Mount Aventine, an 1840 antebellum home. Lynne will present a 40-minute talk about the unique forest ecology of Chapman Forest. Come and learn about how native plant communities are a direct result of their ecology. As they say: location, location, location. The combination of deep ravines, calcareous soils, and close proximity to the Potomac River has produced a remarkable flora predominantly composed of species typical of the inner piedmont and carbonate areas of the Appalachians that are otherwise rare to absent on the Coastal Plain, especially in association. Chapman Forest is considered to be Maryland’s largest and finest example of this natural community type, and is also designated as an Important Bird Area by Audubon. After the presentation we will take a 90-minute walk into the forest looking for spring ephemeral plants. RSVP required. Space limited to 15.
Spring Seedling Giveaway
Public Welcome Family Friendly Free Event Seed/Plant Swap Public Restroom Free Public Parking Drinking Fountains
Nurture Natives and Wild Ones Chesapeake Bay will be giving away over 15,000 native seedlings next Saturday, April 27, at the University of Maryland’s annual springtime open house, Maryland Day! Stop by our booth to claim up to 15 free plants! This Community-Led Satellite Seedling Giveaway is kindly sponsored by the Bona Terra LLC Plant Grant.
Nearly 400 free events are happening on Maryland Day. Don’t miss this unforgettable day of fun and discovery!
May 2024
Wild Bee and Flower Festival Seedling Giveaway
National Wildlife Visitor Center Patuxent Research Refuge’s South Tract
Public Welcome Family Friendly Free Event Seed/Plant Swap Wheelchair Accessible Public Restroom Free Public Parking Drinking Fountains
Join us for our second seedling giveaway this spring! A huge thank you to Bona Terra LLC for sponsoring this Satellite Community-Led Seedling Giveaway.
Seedlings include:
Blazing Star
Blue-eyed Grass
Calico Aster
Maryland Gold Crown
New England Aster Panicled Aster
Smooth Blue Aster
Spotted Joe-Pye Weed
White Snake Root
Garden Chat/Member Meeting
Public Welcome Free Event Chapter Meeting Chapter Social
Join us for our bi-monthly Garden Chat to connect and learn from other native plant garden enthusiasts in our area. We welcome gardeners that are just beginning their journey to those with many years of experience as we all continue to learn about native plants and their ecosystems.
NatureFest and Bona Terra Seedling Giveaway
Public Welcome Free Event Seed/Plant Swap
Join Wild Ones Chesapeake Bay and Nurture Natives at our 3rd Bona Terra Community-Led Seedling Giveaway of the year at NatureFest at Tilghman Lake Park in La Plata, Maryland, on May 25 from 10 am – 2 pm. We are also joining forces with Southern Maryland Audubon and the Town of La Plata to share the message of “Protect Insects. Protect Birds.” Providing native plant seedlings is the perfect way to help restore biodiversity in our communities.
Play Plant Pong to win native seeds provided by Chesapeake Natives.
Prepare to be amazed, get your hands dirty, and have loads of fun as we learn about the beauties of nature together! More info below!
Also featured at NatureFest…
Live Animal Shows: 10:30 AM and 11:30 AM
Live Banjo Music: 12:30 PM-2 PM
June 2024
Spring Plant Swap
American Chestnut Land Trust - Northside Trailhead, 676 Double Oak Rd, Prince Frederick, MD, 20678 Map
Public Welcome Free Event Seed/Plant Swap
Save the date for our next native plant and seed swap - June 1 from 10 AM to 12 noon at the American Chestnut Land Trust northside trailhead at 676 Double Oak Road, Prince Frederick.
July 2024
Garden Chat/Member Meeting
Public Welcome Free Event Chapter Meeting Chapter Social
Wild Ones Chesapeake Bay is deeply rooted in natives!
Join us for our bi-monthly Garden Chat to connect and learn from other native plant garden enthusiasts in our area.
This month we will have a short presentation by Jimmy Rogers, followed by Q & A and chapter updates.
Presentation: Tips for Garden Projects in your Community
Summary: An overview of ways to approach community gardening projects, avoid pitfalls, and plan for success. We will also touch on the new invasive species law in Maryland.
Speaker Bio: Jimmy is a native gardener in Laurel, MD, who has created a number of public-facing gardens around the city. He has a background in project management that can help deal with the complexities of planning with diverse groups of stakeholders.
We welcome gardeners that are just beginning their journey to those with many years of experience as we all continue to learn about native plants and their ecosystems.
Registration is required in advance for this meeting. If you are not a member of our chapter, please email us for the registration link. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
August 2024
Biodiversity and Native Gardening 101
St. Mary's Public Library - Charlotte Hall, 37600 New Market Rd, Mechanicsville, MD, 20659 Map
Public Welcome Family Friendly Will be Recorded Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation Wheelchair Accessible Public Restroom Free Public Parking
Join Wild Ones Chesapeake Bay founder and president Marlene Smith and Esther Bonney, founder and director of Nurture Natives, for an inspiring and educational family event. Explore the fascinating world of pollinators and beautiful Maryland native plants found in home gardens. Native plants promote diverse and healthy habitat in your yard and are essential to supporting beneficial insects, birds, and small mammals. With wise choices, you can beautify your home and help build a healthier environment. And we would like to help you on your native plant journey, no matter your experience or your available space.
"Combating the Biodiversity Crisis with Native Plants" with Sarah Gray & Coralie Palmer
Hosted by Wild Ones Greater Indianapolis Chapter and Wild Ones NationalOnline/Virtual
Public Welcome Will be Recorded Program/Speaker Presentation
Explore how native plants can enhance biodiversity and support ecosystems in our upcoming Wild Ones national webinar, “Combating the Biodiversity Crisis with Native Plants” featuring Sarah Gray and Coralie Palmer from the Indiana Native Plant Society.
Native plants are essential for maintaining biodiversity as they provide food and shelter for a wide range of wildlife, including pollinators, birds, and beneficial insects. By incorporating native plants into your landscape, you can create a thriving ecosystem that supports local fauna and flora. These plants are well-adapted to local environmental conditions, making them more resilient to climate change and reducing the need for chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Attendees will learn how native plants can improve soil health, enhance water retention, and contribute to a more sustainable and vibrant ecosystem.
Sara and Coralie are part of the Indiana Native Plant Society (INPS) Landscaping team, and they have collaborated on diverse projects across Indiana, including native planting schemes for schools, community gardens, the Eiteljorg Museum, and the Humane Society. Their new design for Indianapolis reflects typical sub-divisions in Indiana and considers future climate challenges, such as increased flooding and hotter, drier summers. The design features resilient, native Indiana plants that thrive in local soil conditions and contribute to the ecosystem.
Don’t miss this opportunity to gain insights from leading experts in native plants! Participants will gain practical insights into native garden designs and learn how tailored landscaping can support wildlife, promote ecological balance, and help restore natural habitats.
Native Seed Saving
College of Southern Maryland La Plata Campus
Public Welcome Free Event Wheelchair Accessible Public Restroom Free Public Parking Drinking Fountains
Seed collecting presentation and cleaning with college faculty
September 2024
All the Dirt on Seed Saving
St. Mary's Public Library - Lexington Park, 21677 FDR Boulevard, Lexington Park, MD, 20653 Map
Public Welcome Family Friendly Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation Hands-On/How-To Workshop Wheelchair Accessible Public Restroom Free Public Parking Drinking Fountains
Learn the tricks of the trade for collecting, cleaning and storing native plant and veggie seeds for your home garden or to share!
Harvesting your own seeds saves you money and gives you more variety in your garden. Marlene Smith, president of Wild Ones Chesapeake Bay, and Molly Moore, president of Southern Maryland Audubon, will teach you the difference between shakers, beaks, coneheads, and more, then will guide you in cleaning and packaging seeds to take home. We welcome beginners as well as experienced seed collectors.
This program is made possible with support from Wild Ones Chesapeake Bay, Southern Maryland Audubon, University of Maryland Extension Master Gardener Program and the LMPP Community Garden. This workshop may qualify for continuing education hours for Master Gardeners and other University of Maryland Extension programs.
Exploring Plants and Pollinators
Gatewood Preserve
Public Welcome Family Friendly Free Event Hands-On/How-To Workshop Nature Walk/Hike Free Public Parking
Be part of our annual "Parks for Pollinators" iNaturalist Challenge. Discover the fascinating world of pollination through field explorations and documenting what we find through iNaturalist. Observe bees, butterflies, and birds in action. You will deepen your understanding of pollination, learn to identify different pollinators and plants, and appreciate the importance of biodiversity in our environment.
Don’t miss this opportunity for a day of learning and discovery in a beautiful park setting!
Program is Free to all and is co-sponsored by Maryland Native Plant Society, Wild Ones Chesapeake Bay Chapter, and Calvert Nature Society.
To incorporate iNaturalist in the training, please bring a fully charged smartphone with the iNaturalist app installed. Don't forget to set up your account.
To download the app:
Water, lunch or snacks, hat, sunscreen, tick/insect repellent. Ticks and chiggers may be present.
Your favorite field guides, hand lens, camera and binoculars, although we'll have some to borrow.
No water is at the site, portable toilets are available
Native Seed Collecting
Hosted by Wild Ones Chesapeake Bay Chapter and Greater Baltimore ChapterOnline/Virtual
Public Welcome Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation
Join Marlene Smith, President of Wild Ones Chesapeake Bay, to learn the tips and tricks of the trade for harvesting, cleaning, and storing native plant seeds. Harvesting seeds is fun and easy, but beware, it can also become addicting.
Topics covered include:
- Ethical collection guidelines
-Identifying source plants
-Recognizing when seeds are ready (learn the difference between “time sensitive” seeds and “Mama's Boys”)
-Harvesting, drying, cleaning, and storing seeds
"The Beauty and Benefits of Hedgerows" with Heather McCargo
Hosted by Wild Ones NationalOnline/Virtual
Public Welcome Will be Recorded Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation
Explore the ecological and aesthetic advantages of hedges and hedgerows in our upcoming Wild Ones national webinar, “The Beauty and Benefits of Hedgerows” with Heather McCargo, founder of Wild Seed Project.
Native hedgerows are diverse plantings of woody plants from shrubs to small trees along with herbaceous groundcovers at their base. Learn how these low-maintenance and sustainable plantings of shrubs, trees, and groundcovers can enhance biodiversity, provide critical habitats for wildlife, and contribute to climate resilience. Discover practical tips for designing and implementing hedgerows in various landscapes, from farms to urban settings, and understand their role in supporting pollinators, birds, and soil health.
You will also learn about Heather McCargo and the Wild Seed Project's latest collaboration with Wild Ones on the new Native Garden Design for Portland, ME. Don't miss this opportunity to gain insights from a leading expert in native plant restoration and take your landscaping skills to the next level.
Butterfly Alley Garden Tour and Seed Collecting
Butterfly Alley
Public Welcome Family Friendly Free Event Free Public Parking
Please join us on Sunday, September 22 at 1 pm for a tour of the Butterfly Alley native plant demonstration garden hosted by owner Carrie Krier.
In Carrie's words: "Butterfly Alley is a native plant demonstration garden that was created because of our love for butterflies. It contains as many native host and nectar plants in a residential garden as we could squeeze in. It’s always evolving. Please stop in. Success is measured in caterpillars!"
In addition to the garden tour, Wild Ones Chesapeake Bay President Marlene Smith will introduce you to the basic seed structures of native plants. Supplies for collecting seeds will be available, but if you can, please bring paper bags such as lunch bags, scissors or garden snips, and markers or pens.
But that's not all! Carrie has graciously offered that we can collect native plant seeds following the tour, and native plants will be available for purchase. Butterfly Alley’s fall inventory is available at this link.
Reserve your plants today for pick up during our garden tour on 9/22. To reserve plants, email: [email protected]
Parking is limited, so we encourage attendees to carpool if possible. Registration is not required, but we ask that you sign up so we can plan accordingly. Please click on the button below to let us know if you plan to attend.
Garden Chat/Member Meeting
Public Welcome Free Event Chapter Meeting Chapter Social
Join us for our bi-monthly Garden Chat to connect and learn from other native plant garden enthusiasts in our area. We welcome gardeners that are just beginning their journey to those with many years of experience as we all continue to learn about native plants and their ecosystems.
Fall Plant Swap
Public Welcome Free Event Seed/Plant Swap Free Public Parking
Save the date for our fall native plant and seed swap - September 28 from 10 AM to 12 noon at the Mayaone Reserve Wagner Community Center at 2311 Bryan Point Road, Accokeek, Maryland.
October 2024
Bona Terra Discussion with Jeremy Tidd
Hosted by Wild Ones Chesapeake Bay Chapter and Greater Baltimore ChapterOnline/Virtual
Public Welcome Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation
Jeremy Tidd, owner and lead grower of Bona Terra Nursery in Friendship, MD, has over 20 years of growing, designing, installation, and maintenance experience, and has designed and installed over 1,000 urban conservation gardens. He currently focuses his efforts on the native plant nursery and expanding accessibility to native plants which he has done in a spectacular fashion with seedling give-away events and plant grants.
Join Jeremy for an hour-long discussion about his experience with Bona Terra followed by a 30-minute Q&A session.
Topics will include:
-How Bona Terra got started and our sustainability practices
-Seed sourcing
-Soil making with a focus on biochar
-Future goals for Bona Terra
Wild Ones Greater Baltimore and Wild Ones Chesapeake Bay are co-hosting this event.
Nurture Natives & Wild Ones Chesapeake Bay Fall Tree & Shrub Giveaway
Public Welcome Will be Recorded Free Event Seed/Plant Swap Wheelchair Accessible Free Public Parking Lots of Physical Activity
We are so excited for you to join us for our Fall Native Tree and Shrub Giveaway!
Please review the available plants in the registration/signup link. We are offering 5 native plant species: 4 trees and 1 shrub. You can view pictures of the species under Related Files. In an effort to reach as many community members as possible, we ask that you sign up for one plant per family. Don't see a tree species for your site? A selection of native perennial plants will also be available.
Our Giveaway is on Saturday, October 5, 12:00-2:00 PM, at the College of Southern Maryland, La Plata Campus. It will take place in the front of the ST Building near Parking Lot 3. Please come anytime between 12 PM and 2 PM to pick up your plant. This is a family event! In addition to the giveaway, fun, educational games and crafts about pollinators and native species will be available.
Special Thanks: We extend our sincere gratitude to the 7th-grade students of Saint Mary's County Public Schools. Since 2008, they have grown native plants from seed for their service learning, generously providing these plants free of charge to support community projects throughout Southern Maryland.
All the Dirt on Native Seed Collecting
Leonardtown Library - St. Mary's County Library
Public Welcome Limited Access Recording Free Event Wheelchair Accessible Public Restroom Free Public Parking Lots of Physical Activity Drinking Fountains
Learn the tricks of the trade for collecting, cleaning and storing native plantseeds for your home garden or to share!
Harvesting your own seeds saves you money and gives you more variety in your garden. Marlene Smith, president of Wild Ones Chesapeake Bay, and Molly Moore, president of Southern Maryland Audubon, will teach you the difference between shakers, beaks, coneheads, and more, then will guide you in cleaning and packaging seeds to take home. We welcome beginners as well as experienced seed collectors.
This program is made possible with support from Wild Ones Chesapeake Bay and Southern Maryland Audubon, and Friends of St. Clements Bay.
This workshop may qualify for continuing education hours for Master Gardeners and other University of Maryland Extension programs.
Registration required; registration opens on 9/2.
Bona Terra Community-Led Satellite Seedling Giveaway/Native Plant and Seed Swap and Share
Public Welcome Family Friendly Free Event Seed/Plant Swap Wheelchair Accessible Public Restroom Free Public Parking Drinking Fountains
NATIVE SEEDLING GIVEAWAY! Are you interested in free seedlings and learning more about native species?! Join us on Saturday, October 26 for our Bona Terra LLC Community-Led Satellite Seedling Giveaway! We will be partnering with Nurture Natives to distribute free native seedlings.
Species list available soon!
Bring your native plants and seeds to trade with other gardeners at this annual native plant swap at the “Front Yard” native gardens. Fall is the best time for planting, so this event is a great way to add new plants to your native gardens and to obtain seeds for winter sowing native plants.
"Matrix Landscape Design" with Benjamin Vogt
Hosted by Wild Ones NationalOnline/Virtual
Public Welcome Will be Recorded Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation
Learn how to use high-density plantings that replicate natural ecosystems in aesthetically pleasing designs, enhancing ecological functions while reducing maintenance efforts in our upcoming Wild One's national webinar, "Matrix Landscape Design" with author, landscape designer, activist, and educator Benjamin Vogt.
Matrix planting is a landscape design approach that mimics natural ecosystems by closely planting and layering compatible perennials and grasses to cover the soil, provide more ecosystem services, and eliminate the need for wood mulch or aggressive weeding. Join Wild Ones for a webinar to learn how author, educator, and landscape designer Benjamin Vogt applies this approach to create stunning native gardens. Learn the principles behind this method, its ecological benefits, and practical steps to implement matrix planting in your own garden.
You will also learn about Benjamin's latest collaboration with Wild Ones on the new Native Garden Design for Lincoln, NE. Don't miss this opportunity to gain insights from a leading voice in natural garden design and take your gardening skills to the next level. Register now to secure your spot!
Bona Terra Community-Led Satellite Seedling Giveaway
Baltimore-Annapolis Trail Park
Public Welcome Seed/Plant Swap Free Public Parking
NATIVE SEEDLING GIVEAWAY! Are you interested in free seedlings and learning more about native species?! Join us on Saturday, October 26 for our Bona Terra LLC Community-Led Satellite Seedling Giveaway! We will be partnering with Nurture Natives to distribute free native seedlings.
Species list available soon!
November 2024
Deeply Rooted in Native Seed Saving
Joe's Movement Emporium
Public Welcome Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation Hands-On/How-To Workshop Seed/Plant Swap Public Restroom Free Public Parking
Discover essential tips and tricks for harvesting, cleaning, and storing native plant seeds. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned gardener, this hands-on event will show you how enjoyable—and potentially addictive—the process can be! Don't miss the chance to deepen your appreciation for native plants while gaining practical skills to enhance your gardening experience.
Native Seed Cleaning
James A. Forrest Career & Technology Center, 24005 Point Lookout Rd, Leonardtown, MD, 20650 Map
Public Welcome Free Event Hands-On/How-To Workshop Public Restroom Free Public Parking Drinking Fountains
Native seed cleaning with horticulture management students
Garden Chat/Annual Chapter Meeting
Public Welcome Free Event Chapter Meeting Chapter Social
Annual Chapter meeting agenda will include: Chapter activities report, Financial report, Board of Directors elections. All are welcome to attend the annual meeting. Participation in the Board of Directors election is limited to current members.
Resilient Landscapes with the Native Plant Society of Texas
Hosted by Wild Ones DFW (Seedling) Chapter and Wild Ones NationalOnline/Virtual
Public Welcome Will be Recorded Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation
Native plants have an incredible ability to adapt to climate extremes, offering sustainable solutions for resilient landscapes. Join Wild Ones and the Native Plant Society of Texas to explore the power of native plants to thrive in challenging conditions.
This event features Christy Ten Eyck, founder of Ten Eyck Landscape Architects. Drawing from her latest Dallas-Fort Worth native garden design, Christy will share insights into designing low-maintenance, ecologically rich spaces that withstand intense climate fluctuations.
Native Seed Cleaning
James A. Forrest Career & Technology Center, 24005 Point Lookout Rd, Leonardtown, MD, 20650 Map
Public Welcome Free Event Hands-On/How-To Workshop Public Restroom Free Public Parking Drinking Fountains
Native seed cleaning with horticulture management students
December 2024
Seeds and Swag Social Members Only
St. Mary's Public Library - Charlotte Hall
Members Only Free Event Chapter Social Hands-On/How-To Workshop Seed/Plant Swap Wheelchair Accessible Public Restroom Free Public Parking
Join Wild Ones Chesapeake Bay for a fun and creative social! Meet chapter members and fellow native plant enthusiasts while cleaning native seeds, creating chapter branded swag, chatting, and getting to know each other in a relaxed and social atmosphere. No experience needed, just bring your passion for native plants and enjoy the company! Come and stay for as little or as long as you like.
The following are encouraged, but optional:
o Bring a friend! This event is open to active members + 1 guest
o Bring your own seeds to clean and/or share, but we’ll have plenty on hand if you don’t have any.
o Bring your own cotton-based item (t-shirts, tote bags, bandanas, aprons, etc.) that you’d like to add a logo to; logos of various sizes will be provided.
o Bring a holiday dessert or snack to share.
o BYOC (bring your own cup!) for drinks.
RSVP here:
Native Seed Cleaning
James A. Forrest Career & Technology Center, 24005 Point Lookout Rd, Leonardtown, MD, 20650 Map
Public Welcome Free Event Hands-On/How-To Workshop Public Restroom Free Public Parking Drinking Fountains
Native seed cleaning with horticulture management students
Neonics & Advocacy: Protecting Pollinators and Influencing Policy
Hosted by Wild Ones NationalOnline/Virtual
Public Welcome Will be Recorded Free Event Program/Speaker Presentation
Neonicotinoid insecticides, commonly known as “neonics,” have become the most widely used insecticides in the U.S., leading to drastic declines in bees, pollinators, birds, and aquatic ecosystems. In this webinar, Lucas Rhoads, Senior Attorney with NRDC’s Pesticides & Pollinators Team, will share expert insights on how neonics impact our environment and pose serious risks to human health. He’ll delve into the harms associated with neonic-treated seeds, which are a major source of contamination, and explore effective policy advocacy strategies to rein in their widespread use without disrupting farmers or landscapers.