

Action Needed for Maryland HB0979

HB0979 Agriculture – Invasive Plant Species – Regulation (Biodiversity and Agriculture Protection Act) Sponsored by Delegate Foley Status In the House – Hearing 2/28 at 1:00 p.m. For a further understanding of the bill being heard tomorrow afternoon – click on this link: Then click on “Fiscal and Policy Note”. The FISCAL AND POLICY NOTE […] Continue reading "Action Needed for Maryland HB0979"

Work Begins at St. Mary’s Animal Adoption and Resource Center

“We’re excited to share the progress made during our workday on February 22 for the native pollinator garden project at the St. Mary’s County Animal Adoption & Resource Center in collaboration with Wild Ones Chesapeake Bay, the St. Mary’s County Garden Club, and Friends of St. Clements Bay. We joined forces with students of Mrs. […] Continue reading "Work Begins at St. Mary’s Animal Adoption and Resource Center"

Support for Maryland State Bills

Legislative Session 2024 Two bills before the Maryland General Assembly during this Legislative Session need support from our Wild Ones Chesapeake Bay Members. The Biodiversity and Agriculture Protection Act (SB0915 and HB0979) seeks to: Alter the regulatory approach for controlling invasive plant species in the State, and require the Secretary of Agriculture to establish a […] Continue reading "Support for Maryland State Bills"

Nurture Natives Awarded Grant

Wild Ones Chesapeake Bay is pleased to announce that Nurture Natives has been awarded a Lorrie Otto Seeds for Education (SFE) Grant. The funds will support the creation of a Native Peace Garden at the East John Youth Center in Lusby, MD. Being the only youth-led organization awarded in the US is truly an honor, […] Continue reading "Nurture Natives Awarded Grant"

The Monarch Butterfly

An Icon on the Edge On February 7, Xerces Ambassador and Wild Ones Chesapeake Bay President Marlene Smith gave a presentation on “Eastern Monarchs 101” to the North Four Corners Civic Association in Silver Spring, Maryland. Little did she know as she was giving her talk that the latest news on the eastern monarch population […] Continue reading "The Monarch Butterfly"

Urgent Calls to Action on Pesticide Legislation

Pesticides contribute to biodiversity loss and habitat degradation, and many negatively impact human health. Congress is currently considering two pieces of legislation that address pesticide regulation. Read more here. Thank you to a Wild Ones Chesapeake Bay member for bringing this to our attention. Photo courtesy of Pollinator Pathways Continue reading "Urgent Calls to Action on Pesticide Legislation"